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Project Nebula | Concept Art

Project Nebula | Concept Art

The discussions, and what not, continue with project Nebula.  This is the next app project coming out of Thor Media LLC.

After doing a Google hangout this morning, I decided to spend the rest of the day doing some well rendered character designs.  This by no means is a representation of the final characters or look of the project, but just to get a few ideas out.  A launch platform of sorts.


We have a new person on board to help us with the writing and dialogue,  Sterling.  Good to have him aboard, and to help bare some of the weight for a project this big.   We are excited to have him on and we are excited for this project.  It is a bit lofty, but we believe that we are introducing somethings that haven’t been seen on the Android market yet, which will help gain attention, and hopefully bring in some income.

Look forward to some more concept art, other details on project Nebula, and also a weekly sketch review this weekend.