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Sea Fire | Personal Illustration

Sea Fire | Personal Illustration

Another illustration. Inspired by all of the underwater stuff that I have been doing lately. Plus, I have been thinking of these colors quite a bit lately, since it is similar to the color scheme of my website.

For anyone that might be interested in what I use to record my desktop, and how I go about editing. I use a simple bash script with ffmpeg to record. Nothing too fancy. The script records at 24 frames a second into an h.264 codec, keeping the file size small. But whats special about this script is that it records for 7 minutes, saves that file, and then starts recording again to a different file. It names the files acording to the date and time they were created. Here is the script.

while :


ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 12 -s 1920x1080 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_slower -threads 2 -vframes 5000 /media/Wills\ External\ Hardrive/Desktop\ Recording/output_`date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'`.avi

sleep .25


The problem with recording to video is that if you are recording for an hour or two, and ffmpeg crashes, you lose that entire recording. And there usually isn’t anyway to recover that data. This is a problem I ran into several times, and it ruined a few paintings because I would just get frustrated from losing all that recorded work.  Making a consistent time lapse video impossible.

But, if you record in shorter segments, for example 7 minutes, then you can never lose more than 7 minutes of work. This takes my mind off of worrying about my recording so I can just focus on painting.

Right now the script is setup for Linux, but I believe it can be easily adapted for Windows.

2 thoughts on “Sea Fire | Personal Illustration

    • I am not sure. I like to think of her as a spirit in search of something important to her, and that she is one step closer to achieving that something.