Weekly Sketch Review | Making up for Lost Time
I have been waiting on a job this last week, and we have had a bit of down time with Josh the Whale. So, in the mean time, and considering that I didn’t do a Sketch Review last week, I thought some drawing was in order.
It is amazing how fast you can get out of the groove of drawing what you like. One week… I say again – One Week of not drawing, I felt like I was playing catch up with myself from from two weeks ago. Its how fast the knife can go dull if you don’t keep sharpening it.
With that being said, I had no real focus with my sketches this last week. I have had some stories running through my head, so I did some character design. I felt like I was struggling with perspective in my figure drawing, so I did a little of that as well. Anyways, let me walk you through some of these drawings.
At the beginning of the week I was kind of all over the place. The drawing above, and the one to the right I was doing a bit of character design along with fashion practice (I guess you could put it that way).
The one above being a female character, in her early 20’s, highly intelligent, not beautiful but cute, and is from the 1940’s. For her apparel, I wanted something that seemed a bit formal, but not over the top, something she would go in the park in. As for personality, I never got that far. But I did a few poses that give you the inkling that she is curious, maybe an explorer or scientist with a thirst for discovery.
Now the one on the right is more of a study in fashion then character. Though I think her slight expression may give you the impression of someone who is willing to listen, but you have to make the first move to get her to respond. I really enjoyed how this one came out though. I might end up doing a completely rendered version in the near future.
The middle of my week. A caricature and a hair study.
The last part of the week, I spent time practicing perspective with my figure drawing. I believe the style of figure drawing is called “Analytical Figure Drawing”. Basically taking the simplified shapes of the human form and applying them to perspective. I know Andrew Loomis stresses this form of drawing when approaching the human figure, and I can see why.
It not only helps with drawing things in perspective, but because it asks you to start with simple forms this kind of turns it into a practice of sculpture. Because, allot like sculpting, you start with the basic shapes of the figure, and then you start molding or carving away, searching for the correct anatomy and curves in the figure. I could easily take anyone of these sketches and render it into a finished drawing.
This is a technique I would suggest to anyone who is struggling with the male or female figure. And if you need some examples that easily surpass me, HERE and the book by Andrew Loomis “Figure Drawing for All its Worth” are awesome resources. Most of Andrew Loomis’s books are in the public domain, free to download, and one of the best artistic resources out there.
Sarah B.
Really neat stuff using analytical figures. That might be something that couls help with my perspective drawing.