Charcoal Drawing (Gimp Paint Studio 2.0)
Yes, another portrait. I just cant’ express the feeling I get when I begin to see a face come out of the blank canvas.
I really enjoyed the charcoal presets in Gimp Paint Studio 2.0. I think I managed to get a very realistic medium look with this preset.
Aaron Thorup
Very nice. sometimes I wish I had the kind of time and atmosphere you do to mess around and experiment. alas, I’ll have to wait a few years down the road when my children aren’t so noisy and needy before I get back into this kind of fine art. Keep up the good work brother.
I used photoshop a lot but I can get the one I have to work on my ltopap. does gimp allow you to use a polygon/attractive selection tool like photoshop?
It does have a similar tool. It is called the scissor select tool. The icon looks like a pair of scissors with with an “L” shape dotted line coming out from between the blades. The default keyboard shortcut for the tool is “I”.
I haven’t used this tool much myself, but I can see how it can be useful for certain tasks.
To use it, first hold left-click and a cross-hair will appear, automatically snapping to an edge. Move it to where you wish to start selecting, and then let go of the left-click. Continue this pattern until you create a finished loop. Once the loop is completed hit enter, and a selection will be made. The reason why you are required to hit “enter” to finalize the selection, is because you can change any point on the line, if you need to make adjustments before making the selection.
Here is a better resource, if I didn’t explain it well enough. http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-tool-iscissors.html
William Thorup
Thanks Aaron. Soon you will have all those kids painting right? Well, maybe not all of them.