Alchemy is Fun!

Alchemy is Fun!

Here is an costume Illustrations that I created with Alchemy and Gimp.

I have been watching “Chaos and Evolution’s” by David Revoy and have been trying out some the techniques he has for coming up with character designs.  So after watching the tutorial for a program called Alchemy, I decided to have a go at it.

All I have to say is that this little program is amazing.  The way you can just throw down shapes and come up with awesome designs is a blast.  And the program itself is really straight forward and easy to learn.  (I did have some issues getting it to work in Linux though…).

I am planning on using this program for a while to bust out ideas really quick.

If you want to pick up a copy of Alchemy, its free, and its here.   Also, if anyone is interested, I am willing to do a small video of the process I go through, when using Alchemy.

Here are a few brainstorms I did with Alchemy to give you an idea of what can be done.  Each one of these took about 5 minutes, more or less.

2 thoughts on “Alchemy is Fun!

  1. Will, you have an amazing ability… you can tell that you’ve practiced a lot. I cannot create anything this specific from alchemy right now and I think that the skills you have acquired through your life transfer to alchemy. it looks fantastic. thanks for showing me the program though!