I am back!

I am back!

That went quick…
2 years flew by and I have finished my mission in the Taiwan Taipei mission. It was really good. It was really great to have the opportunity to learn Mandarin, and to help people come to Christ and change their lives.
I rolled in here about Nov 24th 1:00am. My plane was delayed for 6 hours and we had to head back to Vegas because of the big storm that his Salt Lake at the time. But it was really good to go down the escalator, in the airport, and see my family again.
The adjustment has been interesting. It is kinda weird being surrounded by white people all of the time and I am still trying to speak English 100% of the time. These adjustments will come in time.
Today I was able to see alot of old friends and say hi. I hope to catch up on some movies and get some rest to get my leg recovered.
Looking forward to it.