Red Stone and Light | 3D Floor Projection for University of Utah
Through a few chance connections and some fun back and forth, I have a little bit of projection mapping VFX under my belt now. Th University of Utah’s athletic department a few years back invested in a floor projection solution for the Huntsman center, and they like to use it as much as they can. With the 2016 basketball season, I was able to add some of my work to the roster.
A little bit of credit needs to go around though. First my brother Jacob, for the awesome networking he does for Thor Media. Without him, we wouldn’t even have these opportunities to work on these high visibility projects. Next, Kory Mortensen. He is one of the excellent video guys on staff at the U, and through him we were able to get this job. Thanks Kory!
I don’t have allot to say about the project except that we were given quite a bit of freedom on the creative. This was in part due to the previous content that another company was producing for the court was now becoming a bit too repetitive fore the marketing direction. Another part was this turned out to be kind of a tryout for future work with the U.
After some great collaboration with the U’s marketing director we knocked this one out of the park. I am looking forward to working on more content for U, and it always feels great to get this amount of exposure for Thor Media and myself.