Some Changes

Some Changes

I decided to make some changes to the layout of my blog and portfolio. I simplified the layout by removing the all the side bar stuff. The only thing that I really like about it were the label options, which would allow people to easily see certain posts in specific groups. (I might re-add the label options in the future, but I want to feel what it is like with out it for a while).

Also, if you haven’t noticed I moved my blog to my actual domain name. If you use to get here, it should still work. But I recommend using this link from now on. .

And a few updates on future posts.

I still want to do some recordings of my Lenovo tablet for anyone interested in getting one for a digital sketchbook. I just have to say that I am really enjoying mine, and for $300, it is a price that is very hard to beat. I will be going over some of the pro’s and con’s of the tablet, in relation to an artist, that I have noticed over the last month or so.

Another quick note about the tablet, I predict that the price of the tablet will drop considerably in the near future, because of the the new 10.1 inch Samsung Galaxy note. It will basically be the only other 10.1 inch portible digital drawing/painting solution for artists, and it should perform allot better than the Lenovo, because of the built-in Wacom technology. But with that being said, from what I have read the starting price is going to be about $550. So, while waiting for that price to drop, I still think the Lenovo Thinkpad tablet makes a great alternative for digital sketching. Anyways, more on that when I actually get around to recording those videos.

I will be posting about the third Android app that Thor Media LLC has just released. Just as soon as we get a walk-through video put together for it. If you want to check it now, we have a FREE and a PAIDversion. It really is awesome.

And of course, I have other paintings, commercials and other small things I am working on, that I will definitely post about.  Also, the work on Templar Nation should be coming to a close soon, this will enable me to post allot of the work I did for that film.  Some 3D and 2D stuff.

I want to say thank you to everyone who supports me by just coming by and enjoying my art and everything else I post about. Its good to see.