The Lack Thereof | Things are coming
Some of you might be thinking, that Will has passed away. Or, how dare He leave us in the dark on what is happening in his world. Well, there probably isn’t anyone out there who thinks that, but I do feel bad, some days, for not consistently posting.

Things are happening though, and that is a good sign for me. I got another commercial to post, two more Android apps by Thor Media, and some art as well. Also, as I have mentioned before, I still want to do some videos for the Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet. And focus on Sketchbook Pro and Photoshop touch with an artist/illustrator’s perspective. I truly am in love with the device. It has made such a good digital sketchbook.
Also, on that note, I am planning on writing about some of the pros and cons to having a portable digitizer as a sketch book, instead of a normal sketchbook and pen/pencil. As, I can’t find much about the subject on Google.
And one more topic I would like to cover in the near future is my current operating system that I use for the bulk of my work. Kubuntu. I have bee using it for a few months now, and have a good grasp on what I like and don’t like about it.

Then, I have one more surprise up my sleeve, that should make things feel better. For me and for you.
Thank you all for stopping by and taking interest in what I have to say. Just knowing that there are people that take interest in my stuff makes all the difference. Its encouraging, and I hope that I can return the favor.
Harleen Quinzel
To be perfectly blunt your previous art I pondered if it lacked in areas or if you just had a weird style, seeing this art now I have to say I am blown away. This is not what I thought it would be and I am very impressed. I’d like to see more like this, personally.
William Thorup
Thanks. I’ll see what I can do about posting more sketches. I usually don’t post sketches, because often they lead to other more finished works.
And, believe it or not. I do lack in some areas.