War in 1989? | Art & Voice In 30 Minute Diabolical Podcast
A fellow Atari Lynx fan and pod-caster Cujo (twitter @86Cujo) of the 30 Minute Diabolical Podcast invited me to stand with him. Lone 80’s saints, surrounded by the sheep demons of Nintendo. (A bit exaggerated, I know…)
Cujo contacted me a few weeks back and requested a sound byte featuring the Lynx. Be sure to take time to listen to the podcast, it really is a good listen. My sound byte is near the end. I was also fortunate enough, and deeply grateful to the podcast, for featuring some of my artwork on the blog post page. This was a fun thing to be part of.
For the record, I am not a Gameboy hater. In fact, one of my favorite games is on the original console. The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening. Something I would like to make note about “The War of 1989” is something that I truly believe. That is, the “war” hasn’t really ended. With the current retro video game hype of recent years, this is even more true. I don’t argue the size of the camps, or the merits of each console as they compared in 1989, but instead I argue the more contemporary response of what many would deem as “outsiders” or the average person.
When sharing my retro gaming obsession with others, particularly the Gameboy and the Atari Lynx, there is a noticeable difference reaction. When showing both side-by-side people talk about the nostalgia of the Gameboy, but as the party moves on, and exploration of the Lynx begins, the Atari attraction becomes irresistible for most. A true testament to the longevity that the Lynx, it’s power, it’s games has for the modern gamer. I believe that when compared over time, hardware to hardware, the Lynx didn’t win the battle, but it is winning the war. Just check out this awesome demo that just came out, and this Final Fantasy style game coming out soon.