Weekly Sketch Review
I have been slammed for the last couple of weeks. Things in Thor Media look good business wise, but that means more of a burden on our shoulders. With so few people working in the company full-time, it becomes very difficult to find time to do anything on my blog.
Also, I had a very close grandparent pass away, so the family has been dealing with that. But this doesn’t mean I am giving up on the blog, and these recent events have provided sources of inspiration for both work and personal projects.
I decided to dive into a bit of composition. Practicing on creating a focal point and depth in an image. These kinds of studies are simple, fast to do, and seem to be one of the most effective ways for me to study composition.
Then during the week, I worked on anatomy and various poses, faces, random ideas for paintings, and costumes/fashion. I covered allot of ground over the last few weeks, and I am thankful to these Weekly Sketch Reviews for that. This has been a great way to motivate myself to draw and paint more.
I would suggest to any budding artist, get a blog, and try something similar. Its great way to look back on your previous work and see the progress. With me the progress is slow, and sometimes frustration, but gratifying when it is seen.
It’s good to know there is frustration also on your side of the road. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I feel the same and seeing all those professional artists making everything look so easy doesn’t boost my confidence.
And yes, you are getting a lot better. It’s always a pleasure to see your sketches and thoughts on them.
Thanks for sharing! :]
Your welcome!