Weekly Sketch Review | Environments
I had some time this week to do some environment paintings/drawings for project Nebula. And it has been great to have a project like this to help motivate me to do these sketch reviews.
I really enjoy the nebula painting, above and to the left. I like the composition, plus it gets a unique idea across to the viewer. The other two paintings, I don’t know. It was fun to play with a monochromatic blue values. But the painting doesn’t really stick out.
I have the feeling, when I am painting environments, that I don’t know quite where I am going with it. This isn’t a new feeling, but it tells me a few things.
I need lots of practice in this area. Been focusing too much on characters over the last while. This project is definitely going to stretch me though.
It also tells me I need to do more research. Research always comes in handy when broadening your skills and imagination. Whether you are looking at other artist’s paintings, photographs, or going outside. Studying others examples can be the best way to learn. And also add a few things to that bag of tricks of yours.
Next week’s sketch review will probably be more of the same. I am having a hard time eyeballing perspective, so, I think that I will focus on line drawing, to avoid being distracted by color and lighting.
I wish I had the mind to record all of these paintings, but here are a few of them, sped up, for your enjoyment.