Lucky Paper Lantern | Live Wallpaper

Another wonderful app by Thor Media LLC. Lucky Paper Lantern.
Again, I would like to thank Bryce, Eric, Kathleen, Julie and Jacob, for all of their input in making this a visually and functionally fantastic live wallpaper. Make sure to check this one out.
There is a free version of Lucky Paper Lantern you can download here. But I suggest you go for the full version here. Not only is it worth the $0.99 we are asking, but you are supporting what we are doing.
Here is the current description:
Get your own, 3D, lucky paper lantern for the background of your Android device! This app is for anyone who likes anything about Japan, Korea, Singapore or China. Or if you like to show off how beautiful your phone is with wonderfully designed paper lanterns. Watch as your lantern swings back and forth, gently, in the wind.
Choose your design, color, and message to create a unique oriental feel for your Android devices background. With many options, including:
- 6 different paper lantern designs (More coming soon).
- 20 different Chinese character combinations. With the option to have it change randomly whenever you return to your home screen. (More choices coming soon).
- Choose any color lantern you want. Also, the option to have the lantern change colors randomly, every time you return to your home screen.
- Several different backgrounds with Asia oriented settings. (Old Japanese Village street, Bamboo Forest). Including other abstract backgrounds. (More choices coming soon)
- Adjust the way the background scrolls with your homescreen. Let it take its time to rotate around the lamp or have it match the speed of your normal home screen swipes. It also has a lock option.
Updates Coming Soon-
More animal lantern designs! (Zodiac animals and pandas!)More choices for what is written on the lampLight flicker optionAccelerometer control – Let the tilt of your phone determine the movement of the lamp.Dust particlesAdd a moth.
So, pick up your lantern. A green lantern, or a more traditional red lantern, perhaps.
Are goal, is to make visually and functionally outstanding apps for the Android Platform. We will not release anything unless we know it stands out. So, we thank those who have already supported us in our endeavor, and encourage those who haven’t had to check out our great stuff, to do so. You won’t regret it.
Thank You!
A small note on how I was involved and what I produced. I was considered the Art Director on this project. I came up with the original concept, and did the designing, will input from the above mentioned people. I was the modeler, texturer, and previsualizer.
All of the models and texture mapping was done in Blender. Texturing was done in Gimp. I also did a previs video for this wallpaper. Check it out!