Alchemy and Frustration

Alchemy and Frustration

A glimpse at one of my Alchemy brainstorms and then a bunch of unsuccessful sketches…

I was thinking about other artists that I know, and how we express our frustrations from time to time.  I don’t want to spread the negativity around at all, but I thought I would post a little session from a few days ago.  I am not sure what was going on that evening, but I just couldn’t get anything I liked out onto the canvas, and decided to bag it.  After an hours worth of research and sketching.

It just doesn’t work out sometimes.  And what I usually have to do, when I run into “artist’s block” is just drop what I am doing and do something completely unrelated.  (Read a book, video games, talk to friends, etc…).  But just so you all know, I deal with this allot.  And, I would like to leave you with a word of advice.   Don’t get frustrated, stick it out, it will pass.  And when it does finally work, it will feel that much better.


One thought on “Alchemy and Frustration

  1. Artist’s block can definitely be one of the worse things, but it does pass, and it feels great when you can finally get something down on the paper or computer 🙂